Check the troubleshooting tips here for SSH host and client tips.
Other checks
The host has been offline for a while
- Try the following command and check the validity date range.
- Host certificate types have been changed from default ECDSA to another (such as RSA)
- sudo grep -A 4 "autogenerated by step" /etc/ssh/sshd_config and check the output
- sudo step ssh inspect /etc/ssh/ and check the output and expiration dates. (file exists, means that the host is set up with the default ECDSA)
- sudo step ssh inspect /etc/ssh/ and check the output and expiration dates. (file not found means the host is set up with the default ECDSA)
- The host certs are renewed using systemd, which is essentialy a cron that runs step ssh renew, except it’s not actually a cron, but rather a systemd timer.
- sudo systemctl status step-ssh-renew.service and sudo systemctl status step-ssh-renew.timer and check the output for signs of an unhealthy status.
Send the output from the above to for review. -