Check our system requirements for running the Smallstep Agent on Linux
Debian Package
- Download the flatpak from our downloads page
Install the Smallstep App Debian Package
In order to successfully detect your device's TPM, you need to be in the tss group
sudo apt-get install [path_to_deb_package]
dpkg -r smallstep-desktop- Check if you're a member of the tss group
getent group tss
- Add a user to the tss group and reboot the machine.
sudo usermod -a -G tss [username]
- Check if you're a member of the tss group
Uninstalling Debian Package
sudo apt-get remove smallstep-desktop
sudo dpkg -r smallstep-desktop
- Download the flatpak from our downloads page.
- As a local user, either click on the flatpak package to install it or run
flatpak install [path_to_flatpak]
- In order to successfully detect your device's TPM, you need to be in the TSS group
- Check if you're a member of the tss group
getent group tss
- Add a user to the tss group
sudo usermod -a -G tss [username]
- Check if you're a member of the tss group
- Launch the Smallstep App directly from the CLI. It can be set to auto-start on login
/var/lib/flatpak/app/com.smallstep.Smallstep/current/active/files/bin/smallstep &
Uninstalling Flatpak
Flatpak uninstalls need to be done from the command line
flatpak remove smallstep